AssetWise Director Help

Audit Detail Topic (Read-only)

The Audit Detail topic contains a history of events that have been recorded for the selected object, also referred to as the object's audit trail. Audit trail information is recorded automatically when an event or action is performed on an object and includes the date the action occurred, a short description of the action, and which person performed the action. Every object has an Audit Detail topic, but whether you see the topic or not depends on your permissions.

The types of events that get recorded in an object's audit trail are configurable for each object type, and they are configured by the administrator in AssetWise System Management Console. For example, the date an object gets created will always be recorded, while other events the administrator may turn off after deciding they are not worth recording.

Additional details about an action can be viewed by clicking the small expansion icon to the left of any action. If there are no additional details, the following message displays:


To see the Audit Detail topic at all, you must have the System Information > Audit, View permission. To see details about a specific event, you must have the System Information > Audit, View Property Values permission.

A user without the Audit, View Property Values permission sees the following partial data:


By contrast, a user with the Audit, View Property Values permission sees this:
